Friday, 19 April 2013


You are b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, okay? So, I've been letting the little things get to me this past one or two weeks.

Basically, they increased the dose of one of the tablets I take and it's the one the gives me a puffy face, like it swells because the tablet makes you gain weight and retain water... I've been called fat before but I'm not because I can't control it with diet, it's swelling. It doesn't jiggle or anything it's just there and I HATE IT.

I'm not here to tell you a sob story, I just wanted to tell you; you are beautiful, weather you think you're too skinny, too fat, too tall, too spotty, too small, too whatever, you're not, you're perfect because you are you and society is just turning into this huge indoctrinating monster that we must ignore. You don't need big, wavy, shiny, perfect hair or the biggest, sparkly eyes and perfect complexion... you need to be you.

Go ask your mum, your dad, your friends, if they think you are beautiful. I guarantee you, they will tell you that you are and if by chance your friends say no, then sorry, they are not your friends and they aren't worth your beauty.

I don't know why I decided to write about this to be honest, but, I think this message is important... if you don't believe you are beautiful, why should anyone else and even if you still refuse to believe that you are, trust me on this one- be who you are and soon everything will fall into place. I promise. I NEVER break a promise.

PS. Did you know I write songs? Well, like I said I've been going through a rough patch and just feeling generally worthless so I wrote this to get it out and just to figure out where I am at and I've decided that life is too short. I didn't go out tonight because I felt too ugly, what is the point in that, I'm fifteen and missing out on life and I am the only one stopping myself because of the way I am feeling. So I have to stop telling these white lies and tell the truth and just be me and I want you to do the same #mylittlesurvivors

(my song is on my ipad so subscribe and I'll post the link ASAP) Love you guys

Lulu x

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