Friday 9 August 2013

New plan

So I've been thinking and after reading through some of my latest posts they seem rushed, uninteresting and definitely not my best. I am still learning this blogging malarkey and I've realised I'm treating it like an everyday chore.. So I know I'm so inconsistent and I'm sorry but let's scrap the schedule and I can concentrate on producing good posts even if it is just one or two every two weeks but the thing I enjoy most is coming up with little photo shoots with my friends and then telling you about the fashion they are wearing or sometimes I like to show you some things I think are cool and girls like how to layer drinks or my thoughts sessions... Actually come to think of it, I tell you what every week I'll do a thoughts session post because I don't need big fancy photo shoots for them, I enjoy writing them and hopefully you enjoy reading them *fingerscrossed*! Ok sorry I'm messing around with this but I really enjoy blogging so I'm determined to do it to my best! Thanks for being patient with me Nd my antics, T x